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Élan Vital Production Stills Élan Vital Production Stills Élan Vital Production Stills
Check out our Élan Vital Production Stills!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Promoting "Élan Vital"

In Windows (I'm not sure about OS or Ubuntu), the letter É in Élan Vital is the keystroke Alt+0201. Anyway, Mutiny Universe's John Michael Tan had the freshest eyes (and ears) when it came to cutting the first trailer for the film:

Élan Vital Trailer

Music-wise, I just did a basic remix and mash-up job when it came to the various Élan Vital themes, depending on what John wanted. In any case, please go to myspace.com/elanvitalmovie for more information in the coming weeks!

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Élan Vital Production Stills Élan Vital Production Stills Élan Vital Production Stills
Check out our Élan Vital Production Stills!